Yesterday Jef, Kien and I went for a walk around Bayfield Park (Cox's Bay reserve). It was a great stroll, and we sat and watched some amateur cricket. It is the pinnacle of summer when you can meander through a reserve to find club cricket being played.
Kien was weighed on Friday by the midwife, and he is now 4200 grams, or 9 pounds 4 ounces. He has really filled out and now looks quite chubby. He is also very active when he is awake; arms are waving up and down, legs are kicking back and forth. Even when he is asleep he can kick himself out of the cloth I swaddle him in.
It has been 3 nights now that I have started swaddling him again, and he has been dropping off to sleep without any dramas. He used to hate being swaddled so I stopped doing it in the first week of being home. In the last couple of weeks he became so agitated at night when I tried putting him to sleep. I re-read the following article on infant sleeping aids. Last night at 21:00 I swaddled him, put him in his cot and gave him a bottle. He dosed off, then when he awoke 5 minutes later I picked him up, rocked him a little bit and then put him back in his cot. After that I got 3 hours sleep.
Jef looked after Kien this morning from 6am - midday while I caught up on some sleep. It was so great, thanks so much Jef for being such a great partner and dad.