So despite not wanting to get a highchair I ended up getting a highchair. But the good thing is that 1) it's one of the old fashioned wooden variety, 2) Kien enjoys being in it, and 3) it's really easy to clean. I did try to feed him from his booster seat at the coffee table but it wasn't a very successful experience. Here was the first and only attempt:
Kien likes to stuff everything I give him into his mouth, and then attempts to swallow it all at once - or hold it in his mouth for ages. No wonder he has a hard time getting it down.
I'm so glad we have an appointment with Starship tomorrow. Here's hoping they find out why he is vomiting all the time.
Hello Bugoo!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE the picture of him laughing/smiling in the chair. He's so beautiful you guys...good genetics!
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