I had to take a day off work today to tend to a sick and extremely indecisive child. He could not make up his mind what he wanted for the entire day, and kept screaming, yelling, and pointing in all directions. He'd be adamant he wanted something in particular, but as soon as he got it he'd throw it away and scream.
I gave him 3 naps today - that hasn't happened in a very long time. His last one was at 15:45 and he slept through until 17:45. He was then hungry since he has hardly eaten anything for 3 days, so Jef went and picked up Teriyaki chicken with noodles and a side of Karaage chicken from Renkon in Ponsonby. While I was chopping up his Teriyaki chicken dinner (which he always eats) he got a few shreds of Karaage chicken. When I went to feed him his dinner he refused it and only wanted Karaage chicken. Unfortunately there was none left - oh boy did we hear about it! While Jef hurried back up the road to get some more Kien stomped around the lounge screaming. 10 minutes later Jef was back (Kien still screaming) and he was promptly in the highchair ready to eat. 2 shreds later the kid decides to eat the cold noodles he spat out into his catcher bib, and didn't want the Karaage chicken!
Bath time was a drama as well. He did not want his socks off! I put his socks back on so he would get into the bath. In the bath he tugged at his wet socks, so I took them off - that wasn't the right thing to do and he yelled until I gave him back his socks. He then proceeded to try putting on the socks by himself, and cried because he couldn't. So I helped him get his socks back on, and once again as soon as they were on he wanted them off. I took them off and he wanted them on, and then he didn't want to be in the bath anymore. So I got him out, and his socks were soaking the mat (which he didn't like), and I got Jef to put some new socks on him, but he only wanted the wet ones he was wearing.
It has been rough, I'm drained, it's only Friday night, and it's my overnight shift with Kien. Last night Jef had it pretty rough too, with Kien vomiting at midnight and us having to change him and all his bedding. I went back to bed and Jef was up every 2 hours thereafter, with a before 6am start too. Kien, I beg of you to please take it easy on your mama tonight!
So anyway, I need to balance out this post and show that we have also had some good times along the way.
Like playing soccer on the lawn on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, for instance...
...playing with giant sticks on the carpark stairs...
...Autumn leaves swept by the wind into the backdoor area of our apartment, making it a perfect bed for playing in...
...bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles - we can say it if we can provide it...
...cute as anything puppy shoes and socks on the way to Granddad's...
...a smile with Granddad for the camera...
...Kien being the center of attention, again...
...someone else to play "Row, row, row your boat" with...
...kissing cousins...
...patting a conveniently located dog sitting right next door to The Lumsden...
...smiling eyes and giggles behind a hand...
...a content pose...
...and afternoon tea with family.
I need to draw some long breaths, and dig a litte deeper to ride through this difficult phase, because no doubt, soon enough we will be back to happiness and sunshine all day round.