Tuesday, April 3, 2012

When coffee turns to wine

When the 10:00am sessions at the park or someone's house over coffee, tea, bickies and muffins while the kids crawl around on the floor are a thing of the past, that's when you know life is just that much easier and more enjoyable, especially when there is wine involved, and especially when someone else is looking after your kid's dietary requirements.

Last week we had a kids dinner at one of my Plunket coffee group buddy Danielle's place. Despite us turning up an hour late (Kien is in the process of dropping his nap, but in doing so he kinda falls asleep at random/inappropriate times - like 3:30pm?!?).

Once upon a time a scene as depicted in the storyboard/collage above would have frightened me to no end, but now? It pleases me beyond belief! How I love seeing kids playing and eating together. I never thought I would love it as much as I do. Yeah, gushy and yucky talk for all you non gushy-over-kids folk. I know who you are, that's OK, I forgive you.

But it is with toys and finger food and wine, so it's all good.

Davida brought along her 5 week old little girl, Neve - so now I am officially the only one in the group with only one child.

Her brother was lovin' her like crazy - it was so sweet to see.

Kien got hold of the rock guitar and mic, and he got himself all set up to play a gig for his friends.

Then he was into it.

He even did the typical thing of acting like a rockstar and throwing his guitar all over the place.


The week prior it was a meet up for just the mums.

When life as a mother just gets a bit too hectic and crazy it is always nice to go out with like minded people who are in the same phase of childrearing as you are and can relate to your sagas.

I always feel like a paparazzi as I'm always the one whipping out the camera, or holding the camera at some strange angle where I can keep it steady to take suppressed flash pictures. But hey, I'm the one with the bad memory (is there such a thing as permanent nappy brain syndrome?), and I'm the one running a web log of my son's existence (and all peripherals), so therefore I just have to take the pictures, and sometimes I apologise for it, but more often than not everyone is understanding, so thank-you for being understanding!


Anonymous said...

It's so awesome having the kids go off and play by themselves. As much as I loved having a baby I'm really loving the 'me' time I can have when Peter is around playing with his friends :) The food looks so good! and the little baby aww cute!!! Kien the future rock star :D

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you stopped by my blog and commented because it means I found your cute lil' blog :)
You little boy is so dang gorgeous and I'm loving all of your pictures of thier little people tea party, how sweet is that!

Kelly x

Kyetra said...

Lovely post. Those kids are adorable.
Thanks for stopping over and starting to follow. I am now your newest follower. ;0

Shannon Quinn @ At Least My Nails Look Good said...

All these kids are adorable, looks like they had an awesome time too!
Thanks for following Rock Paper Scissors Create!
I'm following you back:)

LatteJunkie said...

I think I need to organise a kids dinner for our coffee group. It looks like a great plan.

And don't feel any pressure about being the only one with one child... I'm in that boat too and it can be hard work sometimes.


Nekky said...

Looks like tons of fun. Life sure gets better when the kids get older. I also love my coffee/tea time with other moms. I feel refreshed thereafter. Following you and sending you smiles from World Bloggers Community.

yeewittlethings said...

Looks like so much fun and all the kids are sooo cute!! I love that your son is a rock star in your post as well ;) hehe!


Lea White said...

It looks like such a nice get-together. Just love your photos!

Claire Justine said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following,following back :) love this post great pictures,looks like so much fun :)

Michelle said...

Thank You so much for stopping by my blog and being a follower. I love your blog. The kids look like they are having fun. You had really great pictures in this post. I'm now a follower.

Melissa said...

I always feel the same way as I am CONSTANTLY taking pics, I love them, after a while it gets easier to tune out the disapproving looks!
Thanks for visiting my blog


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