Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's in a week

It's been one of those weeks when, upon reflection, you realised it was a pretty darn good one.

❥ Springtime patches of daisies.

❥ My son enjoying picking springtime daisy patches.

❥ A daily occurrence of finding and picking daisies on our walk home from daycare.

❥ Going out with my Plunket coffee group girlfriends.

We try to catch up regularly, either for kids dinners or drinks.

❥ The joy Kien gets from the little playground outside his daycare.

We stop there practically every day when it isn't raining.

❥ Kien's new haircut is the bomb. Jef did an awesome job.

I hope you had an awesome week too!


Meghan Maloney Photography said...

So great to have you linking up this week with an awesome list of Loving. That is one cute haircut...and I love seeing boys enjoying flowers...too cute :-) Have a fab long weekend xx

melissa said...

So good to hear about girlfriends catching up. It is so hard to schedule group get-togethers but they are always worth it! Enjoy the long weekend!


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