Yesterday was stormy; rain and wind battering our windows. The weather outside was how I was feeling inside.

I just needed some time to rest, but alas, having a 3 1/2 year old cooped up inside certainly would not give me what I wanted. What does one do?
Recently Kien has shown a keen interest in baking, specifically some type of berry muffins ('cause he just loves them berries - current favourite being raspberries, although strawberries are a very close second, and blueberries now a distant third). So yesterday we made raspberry muffins, and believe it or not Kien did most of the work. I measured the ingredients, did the final folding of the batter before putting them into tins and the oven. The rest Kien did, including cracking the egg open. Afterwards he insisted on doing all the washing up too.
He said he wanted to eat a muffin, but not yet.
I wasn't in the mood to insist he eats something instead of drinking his milk during the day, so I let it go.
Jef came home later in the afternoon, and Kien decided to sing us some nursery rhymes. So here is "Incy Wincy Spider" and "Three Blind Mice" performed by my three and a half year old.
Disclaimer: this is one of those videos where perhaps only parents of the child think it's adorable that their kid is strumming an out of tune guitar and singing some songs they've sung to him all his life.
Well done Kien with the baking! I wish you strength and comfort in this unsettled emotiona-roller-coaster time.
Hi Jen, thanks for your kind words.
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