About this site

When I went on maternity leave 6 weeks prior to my son's birth I was leaving behind a face paced, whirlwind job and entering this totally unknown realm called parenthood. I was excited, scared, enthused, overwhelmed, awakened (and many other verbs can be thrown in here to describe what it was like, but you get the drift). I was unexpectedly ravenous for words that sounded like mine, hopeful to trade stories with others who had been-there-done-that, communicate my thoughts, ideas, and unidentifiable feelings, all of which were new and coming in waves as fiercely as the hot flushes and kicks to the bladder.

Everything was suddenly different, and defining who I was and how this new chapter of my life was going to unfold was pretty daunting. But thankfully there were bloggers, writing about the experience of new parenthood, of challenges and frustration, of pure joy – strangers willing to share openly and honestly. None of my friends were going through the same stages as me (and busy with their own kids, or overseas), and I didn’t even know what a “coffee group” was. So it was this combination that drove me to Blogger and the name of this blog - all new adventures.

Blogging is the zeitgeist of the millennium, and I like that I am contributing to the internet community as a creator of content, a niche blogger similar to the ones I turned to. This is a blog of huge personal adventure, of discovering what a mother can do when she needs to get out of the house to break the monotony, of travelling to exotic and/or interesting destinations as a family, of combining my quest for knowledge as a collection of geeky titbits to save and share, and of soaring dreams that evolve into a reality shaping my son’s memories of childhood, and mine.

I'm a sometimes blogger but lots of times over thinker. An IT geek by trade (and a realistic homemaker by night), I work four days a week in the corporate world, and Tuesdays are when I get to feel like I can have it all. I am fortunate to be able to have the day devoted for mother and son adventures, and I try my hardest to ensure we get them.

I'm a dabbler of photography and a try-hard videographer/home movie maker. A lover of beauty with an affection for technology. A dreamer, adventurer, wannabe wanderer finding happiness in the city of sails.

If you want any clarification on content I have posted please leave me a comment. I endeavour to reply to all comments in a timely fashion. If you would rather contact me directly you can send e-mails to:lien@allnewadventures.com



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