Our Movies

I love short films, and I love making them. I started making these little movies back in January 2011. They are a way of condensing an experience into a piece that can be easily shared. My hope is that I create something that is memorable for my son to watch as he gets older; to remind him of occasions and experiences he has had. I am thrilled that he loves watching my movies, and will view them over and over again. This inspires me to make more for him.

New years day on the farm - Jan 2013

Our trip to the Cook Islands - Jul/Aug 2012

Mothers day - May 2012

Our trip to the US - Jan/Feb 2012

Our roadtrip to Whangarei - Jan 2012

Christmas 2011

Children's gathering - Oct 2011

Trip to the Auckland Zoo - March 2011

Western Park - March 2011

Coffee Group kids at the park - March 2011

First proper steps - Feb 2011

Fun in the sun - Jan 2011


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