Showing posts with label Bees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bees. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Bee School

The first Sunday of every month there is a free natural bee keeping school. We attended the February session a couple weeks ago and it was informative and inspirational. Now that we have the ngahere at Mangawhai we need to learn as much as we can before we embark on this new adventure of having our own hives. Jef and I have been wanting hives for years, but due to so many other priorities in our lives we've not managed it. The more knowledge we gain in this area though will drive us to realise this goal sooner.

Kien was bored in the first half of the session when we were inside the classroom learning theory, but as soon as we stepped outside to open up the hives he was into it.

Monday, August 7, 2017

For the love of bees

I took Kien to Bee School at Vic Park yesterday. This is our first step in the journey to becoming beekeepers, which Kien is very keen for. He's been asking when we are getting hives, and I've been putting him off for years - yes, years. We'll get there soon! Here's his story for the week.


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