Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Our quiet Christmas day

It has been go-go-go, and I've basically hit the wall today. This morning I was up at 4am wrapping the remainder of the presents - Jef had done the majority of the wrapping last night when Kien and I had crashed out. I went back to bed to get a little bit more shut-eye but the kid decided that 6am was wake up time on Christmas day. We stretched out his patience until 7am before heading downstairs.

He got a letter telling him how good it is that he has been kind and considerate this year, and to keep up with his learning.

On his list this year he had asked for a whole bunch of beyblades, most of them rare. I had managed to find one of them at the last minute on Mighty Ape, and a launcher that he really wanted. The rest of his presents this year were practical ones that we can take up to Mangawhai, like board games and a magnetic backing torch. He didn't seem to mind that Santa gave him a jar of vitamins and a packet of Oreos - hey, they does like both of those things a lot!

Then Jef and I took turns at catching up on sleep. We sure know how to party around here. As the weather was so miserable all our planning of driving up to the property today was shot, so it was a good opportunity to be still for a day. Kien didn't mind. He had plenty of beyblade battles today!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

A merry little christmas

It was a typical quiet little christmas. Kien left a beer out (non alcoholic) for Santa on christmas eve and went to bed chattering about what he might get delivered. Once again I reminded him Santa chooses what will be delivered from the list (the list that starts the day after xmas every year) and that he is lucky to get anything at all. He went to sleep talking about all the different types of beyblades in the world...

"Good morning, Mummy! Today is christmas. Do you think Santa came? Can I go downstairs to see?" "Hold up, little guy. Let us wake up first!"

After getting dressed we went downstairs to see what Santa had delivered.

We made him wait until both Jef and I had a coffee, and then he could open his presents.

A couple of beyblades(Twisted Tempo and Big Bang Pegasus to be exact!), solar energy powered spider robot, a fidget spinner and a string launcher were all on his list. The rest were educational stuff, like a crystal growing kit, a dinosaur clay excavation kit, solar energy build kit, a volcano that transforms into some woodland animal thing, and some excellent beakers. Thanks, eBay Santa!

We then headed over to my dads where he got to open more presents. Clothes and beyblades, yay, everyone's a winner.

After a light lunch we headed off to Rod and Gun's place. This lucky little boy got to open another set of presents! He got some awesome educational gifts such as a mechanical insectoid build kit, a moon torch, and mechanical insect. He also got slime and lots of yummy treats to eat. Thanks, Rod, Grandma Gun, Karen and aunty Sandra Santa.

Aunty Sandra also brought smoke bombs!

Jef has been on call over these holidays so we cannot venture far. We intended on going up to Mangawhai on boxing day but it rained. so we are just hanging around Auckland and will shoot up there this weekend (as Jef is also working the non stat days). I don't mind, I'm getting lots of stuff done around the house.

Monday, December 26, 2016

A merry little Christmas

I haven't been well, and if you asked Jef he would say he wore the brunt of all my frustrations over the last few days. But anyway, on Christmas eve we spent the day at home trying to enjoy some peace and quiet. Kien got into the stash of water balloons, and a lot of merriment was had with throwing them out windows and smashing them all over the place. Between Kien and Jef they blew up a heck of a lot of them too!

At nightfall we ventured up the street to see the Franklin Rd lights. After all, t'was the night before Christmas...

I was feeling so poorly by the time we got home but I had all of "Santa's" presents to wrap. I sent Jef off to put Kien to bed and got to it (after a couple more Aspirins). I've come to a conclusion that I could never be a professional parcel wrapper upperer! But finally I had everything set and done.

Christmas morning there was one very lucky, and very surprised little boy.

We try to keep reminding him of how very lucky he is. Especially after a second round of gifts at my folks place, and then a third round of gifts at Rod, Grandma Gun, and Karen's. Wow, I'm overwhelmed by how generous everyone is. I am so grateful, and feel very fortunate indeed. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas this year

Working right up until Christmas Day ain't fun, and lots of people in my office did it this year, including moi. I took Kien in as a treat (for whom I'm not entirely sure).

On Christmas morning Kien woke up and for some reason thought Santa was coming that night. He wasn't even interested in looking downstairs for presents. We had to prompt him. Once he saw the pile though it was all on.

Show us some teeth, will ya? Ah, that's better.

We want to my dad's for lunch - a typical Vietnamese feast of baked fish which we had in fresh summer rolls with herbs and dipping sauce. After lunch we celebrated an early birthday for Kien which we do every year since dad used to only have 1 day a year off from working, and that's on Christmas day.

Then it was off to Grandma Gun's and Rod's place in the late afternoon. Good to see second cousins getting along so well after not seeing each other for a while.

Thomas is a big boy now and will be off to school next year. I love his long locks.

That wraps up another Christmas. It seemed more rushed this year than previously. But then again I think this year seems like a rush!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas morning

Last night Kien was wondering whether he had been good all day so that he would get a visit from Santa. We reminded him he had to have been good all year, and we asked if he had been. "I think I have been good, sometimes." he said. I asked him if he thinks Santa will be coming. He said, "I'm pretty sure Santa will come, but maybe he will only give me 1 present." Well it was 10:30pm when Kien finally put out a tart and beer for Santa (but he had to taste the tart first, apparently, to make sure it was OK for Santa. 2 bites later...). Straight to bed without any stories because it was way too late - he yammered on about Santa and having to go to sleep before he could come along and how Santa will have to come through the door instead of the chimney because we don't have one. Finally, he fell asleep.

I was awoken by a kid who sprung out of bed and asked excitedly if he could go and see if Santa had visited. Thump thump thump as he trotted downstairs, and then silence, and then a very surprised/excited, "Mummy! Santa DID visit last night, and he left presents!"

Right, so I've got to get up and changed so we can officially start our day. Have a happy day!


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