Showing posts with label Coffee group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee group. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Coffee group kids dinner

I found these photos on my camera the other day, and I thought all the kids looked so adorable I just had to post them. At the end of last year life was just so crazy and hectic I didn't manage to do a lot of blog posts, and now that I've been doing a bit of photo maintenance it's quite nice to find photos such as these. It was of our last kids dinner for the year with my coffee group.

Loose stones and children - what can I say - the kids were fully entertained (and mischievious) for quite a while.

We tore them away from their games for some dinner.

The smallest child was the last to leave. She ate everything on her plate, and then some more.

After dinner fruit was served on the patio.

The other kids wanted to partake in fruit eating too, so we moved them to the small table.

Kien ended up being alone with all the ladies. Looks like they were a captive audience.

Oh look, other boys busting in on the party.

After fruit it was driving time - driving and crashing and dangling. I look at these photos and wonder what is in store for the future...

It's hard to imagine that they were once this small!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


It doesn't feel like we are going to fly out on Sunday or Monday night for a month away from here. Yes, that's right, I haven't made up my mind as yet which flight to take, so I haven't booked. If we fly on Sunday night that means we get to spend practically 2 days plus one night in Hong Kong. Yes, that's right, that also means I haven't booked a hotel in Hong Kong either. Oh, and when we get to Saigon on Tuesday afternoon we are more than likely just going to wing it with our hotel for the night - maybe, unless I have a total panic attack on Sunday and book everything. It just doesn't feel real yet, you know? Jef's been working his butt off and I've hardly seen him these last couple of weeks as he's been working some mighty odd hours. I've been kinda busy at work too, but it's been so hard to stay motivated. But I've had 2 project test plans to complete and people to train for various IT tools - bla bla bla, wah wah wah, so I've had to stay somewhat focused.

Anyway, some pleasant distractions along the way in the meantime, including a kids dinner with my Plunket coffee group friends last Friday.

The kids had a great time, as per usual. It only just occurred to me that there are so many of them! They ran around and played outside until dusk and then migrated indoors to play with toys and watch movies, and iPads.

We all had a great time. This was actually the first one where partners came along too, so it was really nice to meet everyone's significant others. It was our way of including them, because last month they were at home with the kids while we did this:

Thanks, Dads. Us girls do need a bit of time out of the house occasionally :-)


We got Kien jabbed on Monday - Hep A in one arm and Typhoid in the other. He was so brave about it, more so than I was, and I wasn't the one getting a needle in my arm(s)! He winced and said ow but didn't shed a tear. I gave him a Kinder Surprise as reward and he was happy about that. I was so grateful Jef was there at the appointment to hold Kien. I was so nervous and was basically useless.

He wanted to show you his band-aid he got for the injection site, however that wasn't where is jab was located. Oh well, "Cars" band-aids are cool was all he was trying to say.


On Tuesday it rained, and we walked to playgroup. It was also cold, much to my surprise. What is going on? It's like overnight we went from scorching summer to autumn conditions in one foul swoop. Oh, if it wasn't for us going to a tropical climate I would be in mourning for our long hot summer.

The activity was for the kids to plant seedlings to take home. But Kien refused to do it. He watched as I did it for him, and then he said he didn't want to take it home. But I knew better! I left it on the bench along with the other plants, and as we were getting ready to go home Kien reminded me that we had to take HIS plant home.


Breakfast at daycare. Wonderful!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's in a week

It's been one of those weeks when, upon reflection, you realised it was a pretty darn good one.

❥ Springtime patches of daisies.

❥ My son enjoying picking springtime daisy patches.

❥ A daily occurrence of finding and picking daisies on our walk home from daycare.

❥ Going out with my Plunket coffee group girlfriends.

We try to catch up regularly, either for kids dinners or drinks.

❥ The joy Kien gets from the little playground outside his daycare.

We stop there practically every day when it isn't raining.

❥ Kien's new haircut is the bomb. Jef did an awesome job.

I hope you had an awesome week too!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Social interactions

Ain't it grand when the little people learn the techniques and art of making and maintaining friendships - even if they don't even know what it means or that they are doing it. We try to teach them to "share" (I have a personal philosophy around the use of this word which, don't worry, I will not inflict on you), or rather the consequences of not taking turns and finding a tug of war match where neither child wins and lots of crying and other unpleasantness are involved. So it is heartwarming to see your child playing very nicely with other children and adults do not have to mediate *too much*.

This was the scene last Friday at our kids dinner with the Plunket coffee group (I am lacking any imagination on what other name that can identify this crowd of mothers and children.

They all sit and eat together, and then they run off to entertain themselves - scattered in different areas of the house.

Some graze for dessert, others sit and relish.

We've been gathering for a while, and now I'm the only one in the group with a singleton. The other two ladies who joined me in the only child department have recently popped their second out.


A couple of weekends ago my friend Linda and I took our kids to Muriwai beach for a walk. It was a beautiful and crisp winter day, perfect for being outside at a wild beach.

We parked at Maori Bay and walked to the Gannet colony.

Then we made our way down the walkway toward the playground. We had to walk over slippery rocks as waves crashed over - timing the manoeuvre so as not to get caught.

The kids had a good blast at and around the playground.

They were so funny - they really enjoyed running up and down the grassy bank, and even though it was slightly damp from the trapped dew they didn't care. They were happy to collect sticks, leaves and freshly plucked daisies.

Back at Maori Bay para-gliders were also enjoying the wonderful weather. Kien LOVED watching them. I'm pretty sure he would have stood there all day, and I had to promise over and over to bring him back here.


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