Showing posts with label Cricket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cricket. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

Saturday cricket

The season is almost over. As sad as that may sound it means that we adults get our Saturday mornings back, and Jef doesn't have to rush home on Thursday evenings to take Kien to practice. We want Kien to do team sport because it teaches him commitment, team work, bla bla bla...but in him doing extra curricular activities the reality is that WE have to be committed too, and that means no lazing around in bed on Saturday mornings after a long week at work. Oh, the sacrifices!

Last Saturday the club game was held in Kohimarama. They had a really good match, and the Grafton United Cricket Club Y3 Panthers won their second game for the season! It was a great win too - Auckland University Cricket Club Y3 Crocodiles scored 84 runs vs the Panthers with a massive 124 runs.

Monday, April 3, 2017

In the weekend...



Kien wrote his story with his dad in bed last night and texted it to me.

I look at these pics below and see the future flash before my eyes!

Friday, March 17, 2017

What's been happening

March is almost over! Wow. Thought I'd drop in some pictures to let you know what's been happening.

We took Kien bowling. He's been asking and asking and we've been putting him off, so it was about time we followed through. I didn't know how he knew about bowling and thought it was something he had watched. Then when we got to Metrolanes in the city he said he was here the last time he went bowling. We thought he was making it up, but I had forgotten that he went with the folks from school holiday programme - so he wasn't just telling stories again hehehehe.

We've finished up cricket for the season - well actually we are away for the final 2 games and when we come back we are hoping to make it to prize-giving. It has been a great season. Kien has really enjoyed it (for the most part).

We've been harvesting strawberries from the garden. Season is over so we are getting stragglers, but anything is good.

It's also been raining so much! The garden enjoys the soaking, as does the Venus Fly Trap. I hope it will be alright while we are away. We've been really looking after this plant since our last one shrivelled up and died through lack of watering.

Speaking of the weather, in the weekend there was finally a break from the rain so I got Kien on his bike and down to the park for some much needed running around.

Wednesday night we took off - destination LA. Sunday is the marathon!

This is the enclosed "outside" area of the Air New Zealand Koru lounge.

Landed in LAX yesterday to relive Wednesday all over again.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Player of the day

Cricket - it's more his style. He seems really engaged (most of the time), he actually doesn't grizzle about having to go. After a season of football over winter I was really hoping summer cricket was going to be easier. So last Saturday when Kien came back with the player of the day bat, I had to ask Jef if that was "for real". With football when Kien came home with the player of the day trophy it was definitely not for real. In fact Jef said it was probably the worst effort Kien had put in, but that it was his turn to get it, so therefore he got it. I would of preferred they just didn't give it to him! But anyway, this time around he truly deserved it. Do you think I could get him to be normal for a photo though?

Sunday, October 30, 2016

School Halloween disco and cricket (not all at once)

First year for Kien to attend a school disco; last year we were in Europe.

There were lots of carnival type games for the kids to play, and since it was also a school fundraising event, us parents spent loads of money for our children to try and win a (really poor quality) 1 cent lollipop...which may end up in the bin (ssshh, don't tell Kien). We also paid for him to decorate a cookie, and that was a bunch of fun. He spent ages perfecting his hat shaped biscuit.


We enrolled Kien into club cricket for the summer. He is in team Wildcats playing for Grafton United Cricket Club. Saturday morning was their first game (2 hours!) which Jef did the honours of taking him to. Sounds like (and looks like) Kien had fun.

Jef and I weren't sure what to expect after his first season of football in the winter. He was variable on any given day whether he wanted to participate or not. So I'm glad to see that right off the bat he's participating and having fun. Jef tells me Kien is a great bowler, and he can bat too. So with a bit of practice I'm hoping it will be a good season.


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