Thursday, September 21, 2017

The perserverence continues

Now that I'm almost back to full health we are back to practicing writing. Here's Kien's latest little story. If you haven't heard of The White Rabbit Project, it is a Netflix series that was a spin off of MythBusters, and produced by the same company.

I've written a few little notes for Kien to discover in his lunchbox. He then thought it was funny to write a note back!

The cheek of him!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Last couple of weeks...

Oh boy, these last few weeks has been rough. I was in bed for an entire week and only went back to work from last Monday. I've still not been able to start up any form of exercise through, which is very disappointing. Anyway, life moves on, and here are some photos.

We went to the Army Surplus store and Kien insisted on a hat. So we got him a hat and a badge. He loves his hat and wears it often.

Kien brings home a lot - A LOT! of art work. Here's one of his 3D pieces.

While I was sick Jef took Kien for a walk. Kien came back with these in his pocket which he collected for me.

School photos last week so I did Kien's hair (after I blow dried it and combed out a bunch of lice eggs - gross). He wouldn't stand still for a pic either but I managed to get one that was not blurry.

He came home from school on Tuesday and did some earning for points that he can spend on rewards.

I managed a walk during my lunchtime at the beginning of the week when the weather was lovely. Walked around the viaduct area.

Beautiful cloud formation one night out walking.

Koala is never far way.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Trampoline park

Taking pics inside the my phone while the kid is jumping around is not conducive to non blurry photos. Ah well, they are only token photos anyway.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Transforming ninja star

We've confiscated all devices until he learns to appreciate how good he has it! I think we are now on to our third week where he's got to earn time on any devices by doing all his homework and keyboard practice. There have been a few tears, but all in all it has gone quite well. After his drama class today he came home and we did some origami. We made balloons and these transforming star things. Now he's doing his Reading Eggs (digital reading lessons) while I post this. BTW he insisted on drawing ++ signs above "magic Es".

Monday, August 7, 2017

For the love of bees

I took Kien to Bee School at Vic Park yesterday. This is our first step in the journey to becoming beekeepers, which Kien is very keen for. He's been asking when we are getting hives, and I've been putting him off for years - yes, years. We'll get there soon! Here's his story for the week.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Pacific Nations Cup - Samoa vs Fiji at Apia Park

A memorable experience we had whilst in Samoa was us going to a rugby match to watch the home team play. I'm not a rugby fan...I actually can't stand it. But when we were told the staff from the resort were going on the back of a truck...well it was a case of FOMO - that's "fear of missing out" for those non acronym conscious amongst us.

Our ride to Apia Park was exciting. It's a fun way to get from A to B, and we didn't even think about the danger aspect!

We arrived to a lively atmosphere.

Our journey home was extremely lively, with stops at a corner store to ensure we were well hydrated.


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