Monday, March 11, 2019

Making pet rocks

Kien's school had a carnival in the weekend to celebrate the completion of many years of rebuilding work that went on over there. One of the activities they had organised was a pet rock competition. So a couple of his friends were over here last Tuesday to make their creations.

Glue gun, paints and a few other accessories and their pieces came together nicely.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Koala 3

He calls it Koala 3. It now sleeps with Koala's brother. Yes, this is my life. Koalas everywhere.

A visit to the Auckland Art Gallery

On Sunday I took Kien to the gallery for the My Art Time with the Sew a Softie party! It was great fun. Kien designed and sewed it together. I did help him out a little bit as it was his first time sewing and he kept unthreading the needle. But otherwise he did a great job.

I had asked him what he was going to make and he said he wanted to design a ferocious monster. Then at the end of the design phase I commented that it was looking a lot like a koala. Yes, it's a koala, he confirmed. He couldn't help it. Hehehehe.

There was another exhibition for designing cardboard houses, and did that one too.

Afterwards we walked home via Myers Park.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Koala's brother 2

I'm very proud of Kien for writing this all by himself without my help at all...and I didn't need to sit there and nag him. When he finished he wanted me to do the corrections for him, and then he took my phone and took the photos. Such a change from last year when it was like extracting teeth.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Koala and his brother

First blog post for Kien this year. He's been back at school for a week and a bit. His school started late - 7th February was their first day.

Day one at school. He's now senior school - upstairs in the new building.

Day two at school.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Onetangi on Waitangi Day

We took the ferry early on Waitangi Day to beat the crowds, but that wasn't to be. Boy oh boy were there loads of people doing exactly what we did.

One of Kien's best friend had invited us to spend the day with them, and since they hardly saw each other over the school holidays (outside of School Holiday Programme) they were both keen to hang out.

We took the bus to Onetangi beach and found a nice spot under a pohutukawa tree. It was such a beautiful day. The water was a lovely temperature for swimming and we all (except Jef) went in multiple times throughout the day.

When Kien has someone to play with its just so easy. They entertain each other and we can relax and not worry about them.

Kien, being Kien, loves to climb trees and leap off.

Bee School

The first Sunday of every month there is a free natural bee keeping school. We attended the February session a couple weeks ago and it was informative and inspirational. Now that we have the ngahere at Mangawhai we need to learn as much as we can before we embark on this new adventure of having our own hives. Jef and I have been wanting hives for years, but due to so many other priorities in our lives we've not managed it. The more knowledge we gain in this area though will drive us to realise this goal sooner.

Kien was bored in the first half of the session when we were inside the classroom learning theory, but as soon as we stepped outside to open up the hives he was into it.


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