Friday, April 1, 2011

Blogsend to my blog followers

I guess I've trialled it for long enough and never thought about using it to send e-mails out to the followers of this blog. So here is the first post that will send out an e-mail to my peeps :-)

Pictures from a couple of weeks ago; this is Kien having breakfast.

Notice how there isn't actually any food on his tray....yeah, guess what his interest level for food was that day?!

But he did want raisins. I think he had about 3 packets all up. He went through a phase of about 1 week where that was all he wanted to eat. Now he will want to have an entire packet to hold, but they end up all over the floor.

His little friends

On Tuesday Kien met up with his little friends from our coffee group. It was my turn to provide the venue and refreshments, so since it was such fabulous weather I decided to hold it at Salisbury Park in Herne Bay. I baked some ginger crunch and blueberry muffins and chopped up some fruit for the kiddies.

I had a really good time, and it would seem Kien enjoyed it as well. *Note* this movie is not all about Kien, so if you are not interested in seeing other peoples' children then don't bother watching it as it will be 2:26 minutes of your life you will not get back :-)

We have just finished Kien's course of antibiotics - hooray! The night before last we had another rough one with him waking up at 2am and screaming. I had to rock him to sleep and he stayed with me on the mattress in his room again. But last night Jef had a successful time whereby Kien only woke up once at 3am for a feed and slept through until 7:30am. So hopefully tonight will turn out well for me since it is my shift.

I've been on a 2 day course learning all about "Agile methodology" for project management. It was all common sense stuff that I knew and practiced anyway (except they put some "interesting" names and terminology to things), and my company paid $2500 for me to attend the course. Good for my CV; now I have another certification under my belt.

We are looking forward to Sunday as we will be attending Air New Zealand Technical Operations open day. This is where we wander around the hangers at the airport and look at planes and engines up close and personal. It will be so much fun!

Monday, March 28, 2011

More teeth!

Poor Kien - he has crusty stuff in his ear from an infection, and he has a hole in his eardrum for the gunk to come out. On top of this he is sprouting 2 more teeth on the bottom row. No wonder he has been out of sorts for 3 nights in a row. He has been so uncomfortable and has been waking quite a bit. He wouldn't settle with milk, so he ended up on the floor sleeping with me on Thursday and Friday night, and with Jef last night. I was getting a bit worried it was turning into a habit but tonight he is sleeping like a baby :-P. So hopefully we are over the worst of it.

I've just fed him his usual 135ml Neocate, and he feel right back to sleep. Pity I'm feeling wide awake despite being tired from lack of sleep. That's okay, I have my iPad2 to keep me occupied. In 6 hours I do have to be up and go to work though....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Loves being read to

For the past few weeks Kien has been really keen for us to read to him. He will get a book and bring it to us, and is very vocal if we do not read to him. I've read the same books so many times to him, but he still loves them! "Counting Rhymes" is still one of his favourites. I read that book to him when he was a baby, and now he will bring it over to get me to read it to him. I ask him to sit down (and he does so excitedly), and he will turn the page when I ask him to. I point to the pictures on the page and tell him what they are, and then I ask him to point and identify those objects too. He has started pointing to things on the page although he doesn't yet know what those things are yet...or he does but doesn't share :-)

He sings too - the first few bars of "Baa baa black sheep".

Now I have to go and get him out of bed. He has been awake for 15 minutes babbling to himself. I love this age!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Flower for mama was so sweet of Kien to pick a flower for his mama. Here is the real ending to the movie "Playing at Western Park".

Playing at Western Park

We have been making the most of summer. We've been going to the park practically every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times even. Kien loves playing there, and is growing his confidence and "no fear" attitude! This was on Tuesday evening in between dinner and bedtime.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Warmth & sunshine...but drawing to a close

We've been busy busy busy every single weekend. Our weekends are divided into quarters; Saturday morning before Kien's nap, Saturday afternoon after Kien's nap, Sunday morning before Kien's nap, and Sunday afternoon after Kien's nap. Don't get me wrong...our world really doesn't revolve around the child, really!

A few weekends ago we took Kien to the lantern festival at Albert Park on a Sunday afternoon. We didn't stay for long, but I did buy a bunch of different types of food and gave Kien a bit of everything for dinner. He was more interested in being friendly with other children.

A couple of weeks ago we went kite flying at Bastion Point in the first quarter of the weekend :-) It was a fabulously summery morning. Jef had loads of fun with Kien and the kite he bought for $10 - those Chinese people can sure make them cheap!

We enjoyed the sunshine and the beautiful manicured gardens, and Kien tasted some of the flowers.

The following day we had Mum, Rod, Sandra, Chris, Michelle and little Thomas over in the afternoon for a visit. We hadn't seen everyone in such a long time so it was really nice to have them all over. I was in a baking mood and made banana cake, blueberry muffins and ginger slice. I usually don't bake very often, mostly because we don't need to be eating baked goods ;-)

Kien is now 14 months old, wow! Even though it has been a rough ride I can't believe he is now officially a toddler. He now walks all the time...only when he wants to, that is.

Look what he did the other day.

He just looks so cheeky.


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