Monday, November 12, 2012

Rolling farmland on coastal ridges

Roughly 40 minutes drive from our place in the city and we find ourselves walking over rolling farmland toward a trig station with spectacular views out toward the Hauraki Gulf islands.

Duder Regional Park - a couple of weekends ago - I've been wanting to come here for some time now after reading about it on the Auckland City Council website.

We went there hoping to beat the wind and rain (expecting a gentle breeze for some glider flying).

But when we got to the trig station the wind was blowing so heavily that Jef decided (after attempting to launch once) the glider was too beautiful to have a horrible death on top of this hill. Even Kien's 10.5kg frame was being blown over by the wind. Poor little dude held on to his hat for dear life.

Once we got to the bottom of the hill we stopped so Kien could have a snack, and for me to catch up on some photo taking.

It started to rain by this stage so we quickly made our way along the shingle track lined with weeds and wild flowers.

After saying a quick "hello" to the cows we headed home.


Marigolds at my front door. They make me smile.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Sometimes you get tossed around and told "go away, I don't like you", but in the middle of the night you are never far away and ready for cuddles, because you know there will be no sleep for anyone in our household if you hold a grudge.

Oh, Koala, you are looking a little worse for wear these days, but that doesn't put a dent in the affection your master has for you.

You're a great friend and loyal cuddle buddy. I hope you stick around for a long time.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

All in a day

Sometimes life is too short to only do one activity per day, especially when one is graced with stellar weather. This was the case last Saturday.

A lovely still morning meant it was perfect for being on the water, so I packed some coffee and breakfast and we were on the boat not long afterward.

See how still and calm it was?

Jef took his required measurements, scrubbed the deck and did some general cleaning while Kien dished out instructions.

I love seeing Kien in his life jacket. He is really good about wearing it.

I can't wait to see our Fire Dancer again - hopefully on Sunday, weather dependent.


Once we were home we gathered our gear and headed out the door for our next activity. We thought the long drive to Te Oneone Rangatira Beach would give Kien a chance to have a sleep and recharge his batteries, but no, he was awake for the entire journey.

Jef flew his glider off sand dunes. This was his maiden flight for this glider.

It was about 3pm, and Kien became a little scratchy. So I set up a make-shift bed under a make-shift shelter so he could lie down and have some quiet time.

Then we went and dug in the sand.

The beach was fabulously wonderful; the glistening black sand, the wild surf crashing, and the soft dunes that Kien climbed and slid down again. I do love NZ West Coast beaches.

We drove back to the city with tousled sea spray hair and salty skin (and Kien with pockets full of sand).


A quick stop at Nosh in Ponsonby for some meat, a dash home for quick showers, and we were off to Rod and Grandma Gun's place for a BBQ.

Michelle and Thomas were up for a visit from Tauranga - their last trip to Auckland before the baby arrives. Kien certainly has missed Thomas.

Its lovely watching them play together.

The ornamental ceramic birds were a hit.

Wow, Thomas is going to be an older brother soon, and Kien will have another little (second) cousin to play with.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cornwall Park

Us Aucklanders are certainly very lucky - for lots of different reasons, and especially for Cornwall Park. It is always such a joy to come here, and our Sunday afternoon visit reinforced to me how wonderful this place is.

Initially I wanted for us to find the cherry blossoms - I knew there had been a Spring celebration (which we missed) at the grove somewhere. We drove through from the Observatory entrance, and pretty much immediately upon seeing the lambs Kien wanted to stop and pet them. So we stopped.

Lately Kien has been asking me to hand over my iPhone. "I want to take a picture of you, Mummy", he says. He's definitely getting better as you can see from the photos he took of me (on the right). He actually points and shoots straight!

We had a great time amongst the giant trees. Doesn't every boy love to swing?

Or walk the plank?

Or fence with his Daddy?

He picked the right sword for himself.

As we drove out of the park we stopped at the fountain on Manukau Road.

It was a splendid (and unexpectedly) sunny Sunday afternoon, just what I needed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The tower in our Auckland

It rained, and rained, and rained pretty much for the entirety of Labour weekend, and when it wasn't raining the wind blew fiercely and it felt like winter all over again. I don't do well being inside for long stretches, and without any sunshine to bathe me in glorious warm rays I must admit I was on edge and not feeling quite right in myself. Kien was extremely needy and mischievous, and Jef had to be an hour within one of the data centers as he was on call and therefore couldn't leave town. So by Monday I was so over the dreariness and feeling a little sorry for myself.

You know what turned it all around and made our weekend? A visit up the Sky Tower on Monday afternoon, that's what!

Auckland looks spectacular from up here.

I love seeing an arial view of the places we enjoy - North Wharf, the Viaduct, Westhaven Marina, the tank farm, Queen Wharf, Princes Wharf...this is our back yard, our playground.

I love seeing our home from up here, our neighbourhood, the tree-lined streets I walk every day, the park at the end of our road.

I love that Kien was happy up here.

He hesitated initially, but then he wasn't afraid.

I love looking down...

and out...

and enjoying the view while having refreshments at the cafe up there.

Yes, our visit to the Sky Tower made my weekend.

Then we came home and I felt happy and refreshed.

I love getting stuck into a good book - I've been reading so much lately and it is wonderful for my brain.


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