Wednesday, January 15, 2014

So we went camping...

You know I've talked about camping before, so we made the most of our Christmas/New Year break of the days that weren't already committed by going twice. The second time was on January 3rd, and we hooked up with my friend Kathy and her hubby and daughter out at Ambury Regional Park.

We love this place and have frequented there a number of times, but this is the first time we've actually camped there. It's well worth the effort - or rather lack thereof - this is one of the easiest camping expeditions you can imagine. We had planned to get there around 3pm but it ended up around 5pm. Not that it mattered because it was just so easy finding a nice spot to erect our tent. Even Kien chipped in and helped out.

It's great having another child to play with my child, especially when they get along so well. It was a bit of a worry when about an hour into them playing together they both came to us and said they had made a baby together. Ah, the innocence.

We went for a walk at dusk around the beach and farmstead. The kids just kicked off their shoes after they realised they were coated in mud.

Then there was more running around and getting dirty after we cleaned them up.

There was a beautiful golden glow from the setting sun that cast such a beautiful light through one of the paddocks, so we definitely had to go and run through it.

Lots of energy being burned off. They ran back and forth, chasing the sheep, and it was a wonderful sight to behold.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

We are into a new year of adventure

I went back to work yesterday, and by 2pm it felt like I never even had a break. I don't want to start off my very first post for the year on a negative note, and since I've been laying a little bit low over the last 2-3 weeks as far as updating this blog is concerned it doesn't mean I've not taken photos of our adventures of that time. So to get myself started back into the rhythm I'm going to have to do a bit of catching up on my editing and posting. I've been shooting in RAW image format since May 2013 and I must admit its quite a bit more work than just processing straight JPG files. But the good news is that I have been learning a lot and expanding my editing skills, and that is always a good thing (even if sometimes it feels like a whole lot of effort for not much gain). What I do know is that I want a new camera! I have pretty much outgrown the Nikon I've been using, and I've extended the usage by getting a 50mm prime lens half way through 2012 when I was itching for another camera. But now I'm just frustrated with the camera's capabilities, and I'm ready for an upgrade. Yay, something to be excited about and look forward to. Anyway...

Motoihe Island

We sailed there on 27th December and stayed the night. It was fabulous to get out on the boat for a stretch.

Rakino Island

I love how we have so many options for sailing and anchorage in the Hauraki Gulf. The next day we sailed over to Rakino Island. We anchored at West Bay in the late afternoon to shelter from the wind. I tried my had at fishing too. In the past we have not been successful at all, but not this time. After throwing back a few under sized ones I finally caught a keeper!

The winds picked up and it howled all through the night. In the wee early hours (I think it was around 5:30am) we were awoken by a thud. The wind had come around overnight and the boat that was anchored close by was now hitting us! What was strange was that they had all their crew onboard in their wet weather gear and with their engine running, and the skipper was telling Jef that he couldn't get his anchor up because ours was over it. But they hadn't bothered putting any fenders out, and I reckon they were motoring up close to us to try and get their anchor free and bunted us. It was bucketing down, and here I was trying to clip our fenders to our boat stanchions when it was barely light enough to see anything and the rain was hitting me so heavily it actually hurt. Jef pulled up the anchor line a bit and all of a sudden our boats parted. Luckily no damage was done, but boy oh boy that was a bit scary. Our first "incident" on the boat.

That morning it was still drizzling but the sun started to show itself. It was Kien's birthday.

Jef pumped up the dingy and we went ashore.

We went over to Woody Bay on the other side of the island.

We stayed another night in West Bay. There were people who moved around to Woody Bay thinking it was going to be calmer there, but we had such a peaceful night.

The following day we decided to head back to Auckland. The weather was turning. We could see the dark clouds coming even through we were sitting in beautiful blue skies and sunshine. We sailed straight through them, into the wind doing over 7 knots with the boat leaning like anything. It was exhilarating (and a tad scary for a novice like me). Good thing Jef is a seasoned sailor.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A bagful of moments

I could cry and I could sing, both at the same time, because the emotions both feel so similar in how they make me feel sometimes. This is what being Kien's mother is like. Its been a roller coaster, no doubt about it, and I've had times when we've created amazingly incredible memories, as well as moments when I'm in the depths of despair. This boy of mine is now four, and yet I still see a baby in those eyes that look at me innocently when he needs me for something.

It's dangerous business watching iPads in bed!

Most nights I get woken up by little arms that wrap around my neck so tightly I have to move my position to ensure I don't get strangled. He presses his face against mine, and in his 3/4 asleep state utters softly, "Mummy, cuddle, cuddle". As he drifts back to sleep we lie all contorted with arms and legs and bodies wrapped around each other like we're conjoined, and although I've been disturbed from my deep slumber to be put into this position I don't really mind, and I'm released from his grip when he slips into his sleep cycle 30 seconds later.

When he's just waking up in the morning I can feel his hand searching for me, and when he has found me he flings his body in my general direction until he is practically on top of me. He hates it when I roll over and show him my back, and he says to me, "Mummy, I want you to turn this way", or he asks for cuddles.

He sometimes tells us what Koala says he wants to do, like, "Koala said he wants to watch Peppa Pig in bed because he is very very tired today...and he's hungry and wants some milk now."

He sometimes comes running over to me and gives me a cuddle and a kiss randomly.

He told the babysitter the other night he wanted to speak to me before he went to sleep, so they called me and he and I had a conversation about him going to sleep and us seeing each other later in the evening.

He called me over to show me what he had drawn in the sand. It was a ladybug (left) and a stick insect (a very fat one by the looks of things on the right).

If I want to make sure he comprehends what I'm saying I always ask him, "do you understand?" and if he says yes I get him to explain what he understands. His vocabulary is massive now, and he is very good at articulating himself.

He has a wonderment for rocket ships and space and the planets and the stars. He recognises images of Jupiter, Saturn and Earth. He looks up at the night sky and talks about the beautiful moon and how there looks like a dinosaur or dog living there. He also tells me he would like to go there, and that maybe we can live there too. I say to him that someday it was possible, and maybe that someday might happen for him. I hope so.

These are the moments that I don't want to forget, and as he turns another year older I write a post like this so I can lock in all those feelings and the sentimentality that they bring as I see my son growing out of baby/toddler/post toddler and into the little boy before me.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pre-Christmas BBQ and Santa

One of the mothers from playgroup whom I've gotten to know a bit better invited us over for a pre-christmas BBQ at her place on the Thursday before Christmas. We had a fabulous time, thank you, Alex! We met lots of fun and interesting individuals from different countries and different walks of life. Kien had a great time - it took him a while to warm up (as per usual) but once he did there was no holding him back. With chickens roaming around in the heart of the city (at their Grey Lynn property) it was such a treat for the kids to pat and feed the birds.

**Another catchup post as I promised Charlize's mother I'd send her some photos.**


On the last session at playgroup Santa visited. This is the first year where Kien has been really into the whole idea about Santa, his reindeer and sleigh, Santa's grotto, elves, and all things that make up Christmas magic. He was so excited seeing Santa walk through the door, and when received his gift he was astounded and positively gleeful. It was a delight to see.


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